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  • Stronger than conventional forms
  • Anhydrous creatine
  • Up to 30% more pure creatine


0,50 KG (€59.98 / 1 KG)
  • Stronger than conventional forms
  • Anhydrous creatine
  • Up to 30% more pure creatine

Available, delivery time: 2-5 days

Facts / Knowledge

CREAZ from Body Attack stands for anhydrous creatine. It is part of the newest creatine form, stronger than conventional forms presently available on the market. This is possible through a cutting-edge production process. This takes place by dissociationg the water molecule from the creatine-monohydrate, so the creatine can be utilised in a free and highly concenrated form for the first time.



What does CREAZ mean?

The new and free creatine form from Body Attack. CREAZ provides the athlete with 100% pure creatine for intensive muscle training. The Z in CREAZ stands for the “Zero Monohydrate” formula anhydrous creatine .



Product highlights:


  • Supplies up to 30 % more pure creatine
  • 100% active ingredient for your muscles
  • Monohydrate-free formula anhydrous creatine
  • In vegan DRcaps®
  • Purest and unbound form of creatine
  • DRcaps® protect the active ingredient from stomach acid
  • DRcaps® only begin to dissolve in the small intestine
  • Enough for 166 days’ usage
  • Made in Germany
  • In Maxi Caps
  • Pharmaceutical quality
  • Product on the Cologne List


Significantly more effective: Up to 30% more creatine makes it into your muscles. The training muscles respond better to this form of creatine as they can only utilise this form effectively for the build-up of adenosine triphosphate ATP . CREAZ from Body Attack leads to a faster charge of muscle creatine, through which the increase in high-speed strength performance in strength and sprint training is accelerated. Muscles are more resilient to an intensive workout, making it easier to reach training goals. Daily consumption of Body Attack CREAZ can restore diphosphate deposits, diminished after just a few intensive repetitions, in mere seconds back into triphosphate. How does CREAZ work?CREAZ is a new and stronger creatine product which, according to scientific studies improves performance in short and intensive workouts. This means that daily consumption of 3g creatine for a number of weeks´leads to more repetitions and increased training weights. But this is not all: the speed of interval-runs can also be increased. Ambitious athletes and professional sportsmen are sure to be impressed by the 100 percent pure and uncombined CREAZ from Body Attack.

Even more effective in raising the level of the speed strength performance CREAZ is a new and stronger creatine product which, according to scientific studies improves performance in short and intensive workouts. This means that daily consumption of 3g creatine for a number of weeks leads to more repetitions and increased training weights. But this is not all: the speed of interval-runs can also be increased. Ambitious athletes and professional sportsmen are sure to be impressed by the 100 percent pure and uncombined CREAZ from Body Attack.



Creatine increases physical performance in high-speed strength training whilst short-bursts of intensive physical activity.

For whom is CREAZ suitable?
  • For experienced recreational and performance athletes who want to supply their muscles with sufficient creatine over longer periods of time.
  • For advanced strength athletes who want to achieve higher levels of strength and endurance in training.
  • For strength and endurance athletes who want to complete more repetitions and gain more strength during their workout.
Nutritional / Recommended intake
To the label


14 Ratings






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10 December 2021 13:09 -

Hans H.


gute Kapseln, etwas Groß aber sonst gut zu nehmen!

26 September 2021 12:23 -

Jürgen K.


Wichtiges und wirksamea Supplement

24 December 2019 06:28 -

Serkan Yilmaz


habe vorher creatin monohydrate benutzt, hat bei mir garnichts gebracht. mit creaZ von body attack, bin ich echt zufrieden, nach ca. 2wochen sehr heftig bemerkbar, 3x vor dem training, das ist echt der hammer, ich bin fasziniert davon, habe mir tabletten bestellt, nun habe ich pulver bestellt, wollte erst ausprobieren mit tabletten, und da es was gebracht hat und ich die entwicklung sehe, habe ich auf 1kilo pulver gewechselt. werde nun regelmäßig damit trainieren. falls es bei den mit monohydrate nichts gebracht hat, sollte, auch wenns teuer ist, erstmal mit tabletten ausprobieren. 100% empfehlenswert.

17 October 2018 08:54 -

Philip Eggerstedt


Ich nehme kein normales Creatine mehr. Beim CreaZ hat man einfach 100% Wirkstoffe und keine Verluste und das merkt man im Training. Die Kapseln sind perfekt, wenn man ganz exakt die richtige Menge zuführen möchte.

12 October 2018 09:55 -

André Ebeling


Normales Monohydrat funktioniert bei mir nicht bzw. darauf reagiere ich nicht. Diese Form von Creatine ist ist anderes und klappt bei mir super! Mehr Kraft, bessere Schnellkraft, sehr zu empfehlen!

5 August 2018 21:20 -

Helmut Killer


Andere Kreatin Arten habe ich nicht gut vertragen, mit Creaz kein Problem. Ich nehme es vor dem Training und bin dadurch am Abend dann nicht so erschöpft.

6 March 2017 14:01 -

Wolfgang P.


Hatte mehr Kraft und ein gutes Gefühl beim Training.

6 March 2017 14:00 -

Wolfgang Pfister


Hatte mehr Kraft und ein gutes Gefühl beim Training.

17 January 2017 10:48 -

Benno Reusch


gut verträglich, wurde schnell geliefert, war optimal verpackt

17 January 2017 10:48 -

Benno R.


gut verträglich, wurde schnell geliefert, war optimal verpackt